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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Just Keep Swimming

Whoa. When did it become August?

Yup time flies when you're trying to make an indie film.

Yes, we've still been shooting.

And BOY! Is it HOT!

We actually cancelled a couple of days because of the heat.  And the last time we shot, it wasn't the heat, but the humidity that was killing us. It's like trying to breath underwater. Throw in some major car problems with some of the cast and crew, cameras over heating, rained out days, a vomiting cat, an exploding TV, and gear that just won't work, and you have yourself a typical day on the set of REDD.

So what's going on?  I will tell ya.

Been working on re-writes of the script. This is necessary when you're working on a VERY low budget. You have to sorta adapt your story to what your resources are, and since we've lost locations, gained locations, have to deal with cast and crew scheduling problems, then you just have to roll with the punches and re-write your scenes in a way that you can actually shoot them.

The full script has been overhauled, and now we've finally got the rest of the main cast in place.

Eve Butler will be joining us in the role of the holographic entity, RICK.

Alethea Delmage will be joining us in the role of the sadistic assassin, SNOW.

We're happy to have these to great actors on board, and we look forward to throwing them into the action.

We've got Production Vlogs coming up. We'll actually be doing them in the form of a weekly web series that will also be a How To/Moviemaking Show.  So you'll get updates on Redd as well as learn the process of how we make this happen.  It's been interesting so far for sure, and I hope these coming episodes will be just as entertaining as well as educational.

We've got three shoot days coming up this week, and then we'll be shooting all of next week and the week after.  Look for more updates soon.
