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Friday, August 24, 2012

Horror Talk TV

The fine folks over at Horror Talk TV gave us some time on their newest episode to plug REDD. They showed off a bit of the trailer and we even put together a little intro where in I (Patrick) can be seen disposing of a dead body (Amanda Elizabeth).

Special thanks to Steve Pattee (AlienRedRum) for hooking us up.

Watch the whole episode to see horror awesomeness or you can check out the REDD portion at the 15:49 mark.

Be sure to check out

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Kickstarter Project Update #14

Cross Posted from the Kickstarter Updates.

Project Update #14: August REDD Update

So here's what's going down.

1) We've got the majority of footage shot but there are still some key scenes to shoot. Currently working out scheduling with cast to get those shots finished.

2) We are in post production editing what we've got. You can actually see a full movie on the horizon. Working on both the first round of sound editing and the majority of the Visual FX shots. Also scoring each scene as they are fleshed out.

3) Because of the extended visual fx editing and scheduling delays with some of the cast. You won't get to see the movie til after October. You can also blame my perfectionism influencing the score and the fact that I'm really trying to nail that sound mix.

4) Some of you have already been contacted concerning the details that we need to get from you for your backers rewards. Soon we'll be contacting those that wanted to submit they're picture for use in the movie. Time for us to determine where to place all your lovely faces. Before the movie is completed we will be asking those of you getting credits how you want to be credited and exactly how you want your names spelt.

5) And just because I love to plug our stuff, feel free to check out WTWMOVIECOMPANY.COM and watch our new short but lovely demo reel which does feature some short cuts from REDD.

I hope all of you are doing amazingly well.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


There are still some key scenes to shoot, but we are trying to work out everyone's schedule to get those scenes shot. But for the most part this movie is deep into Editing and VFX Editing. And boy this is ALOT of work.  There may be a delay in getting this movie out, but it'll be out this year that's for sure.

More of an update later, but right now here are some pics and stills from recent shoots and stills from the editing bay.  You can see all these updates on our Facebook page. Join us won't you?

VFX shot. The Grimm ship fires on The Red Raven.

Eve Butler is RICK

Rick on board The Red Raven

REDD firing the long canon.

Brooke Hamrick is Annie.

Rebecca Morris is Shannon.

April Crum cooling off.

Standing on the porch with Grand Ma (Kelly Emerson).

Chris Plouffe is Smith,

Amanda Elizabeth is Beth.

Talking over a disagreement with guns.

REDD about to give you both barrels.