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Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Striving to get as much of this movie done as humanly possible. Ya know, before the year wraps up. I'm fully aware we'll still need to get some shooting done in January, but I'm using New Years as a deadline to get this as close to done as humanly possible.

Alot of editing, learning the ins and outs of Vegas Pro 12 as well as the amazingness of Hitfilm 2 Ultimate. Also been doing alot of shooting in front of our portable green screen.

More talk about that as well as where we are at production wise in the following video.

We're in the last 24 days of our INDIEGOGO CAMPAIGN.  We're approaching $500 and we've got a ways to go. I'm confident we can at least get close to our goal.  I really need to keep up with the updates and video updates which is what I plan on doing this week.

I've been working with the new FX software Hitfilm 2 Ultimate. It's a pretty amazing software that now allows the use of 3d Models.  I downloaded a 3D model of a car and attempted to do an effect of a car exploding and flipping over. The physics are all wrong and it was a very rushed job, mainly because I was excited to get it rendered to see what it would look like. All in all I think it looks alright for an hour job. I definitely see the strong potential of this software and can't wait to test it's limits.

So here's my plan for this week. I have a reel for a client that I need to upload which I'm actually doing now. Also this week I need to upload a Hitfilm 2 tutorial since a few people have asked. I'd like to edit at least 2 to 3 more video updates for our IndieGoGo as well as for our Kickstarter peoples and just for our REDD audience in general. 

Really need to push this IndieGoGo. Gotta get some of this money in. The more we get the faster we can get REDD finished. So please, if you can, spread the word and or pledge to us.  You'll get rewards for pledging like these amazing Limited Edition Postcards.