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Friday, July 11, 2014

Latest Instagram Post (July 8th, 2014)

You have to fight to hold on to that vision. Cuz when you're one guy making a movie on his own it's easy to let the details beat you down. Building the ship, the greenscreen, setting up the lights, picking the right lens, directing the scene, compositing the shot, placing explosions, timing the fx, scoring the scene, and color correcting a 10 second shot in a 4 minute scene that's crucial to the theme of your story. All in the hopes that somehow the audience will click with what you're trying to say. And if somehow I fail, I'll just have to get ya with the next movie.

Currently still in post approaching completion. Looking at a full release online and on DVD this Winter 2014.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Art Of What Not To Show

(Last post from Kickstarter)
That's the big question isn't it. Delays galore, personal matters, and the realities that come with being a one man movie maker have all contributed to the slow pace of reaching completion. Yes I've been tweaking fx shots, edits, sound and score as I've trudged through post while working the day job.
Ironically one of the things that has become part of the day job has been making Kickstarter and IndieGoGo videos for other people. Since the end of the original Kickstarter campaign I got hired to do alot of Crowdfunding videos.
But as I look at the editing timeline I do indeed see a near complete movie. So what's the major delay now?
The writing never really does stop. It started in my head, went to a script, and as you collaborate with your cast and crew and deal with production realities, the story gets tweaked. You find there are things you can't do, things you didn't realize you could do, and because of that the story changes. Not the complete story, but how the story is told. As long as we can stay true to the very essence of the script we're good.
But that writing, that tweaking continues on into post. Right now I'm looking at cutting a couple of scenes and plot points which are not necessary to the story. And that's the rule, if you find something that doesn't push the story forward you have to cut it. These are scenes and ideas that at one point I thought contributed greatly to the plot. But now that I see the movie coming together as a complete product, I realize they're not necessary, and may very well hold the story back.
Forget how much effort you put into those scenes, writing them, shooting them, scoring them, doing the FX for them. If it has to go, it has to go. But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna take a bit of time to whine about it. And so I continue through post, making sure the scenes are tight, and rearranging bits here and there to make sure we're telling a coherent story minus those unnecessary bits, no matter how cool they might have been. Now we'll have something to show in the deleted scene section.
We've got some pretty nifty Vlogs coming up and possibly some news on what fests and venues we may hold some screenings at. But first things first. As soon as we've got the complete final cut we finally send out the DVD's and digital downloads to you our lovely Kickstarter and IndieGoGo supporters.     
More soon!
Feel free to follow me on Instagram. I seem to post alot there about our day to day production work including pics and vids from R.E.D.D.
Patrick A. Prejusa

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


HOLY CRAP! 2013 was a heck of a year. Especially the last half. The REDD blog's last post was July 25th.

After that the updates just stopped. For that I greatly apologize. We kept up with a few updates here and there on Facebook, and I'd post an update on Twitter or Instagram here and there. But I failed to do full updates on Kickstarter and IndieGoGo. I apologize for that and won't let it happen again.
Truth is since July life got turned upside down for me. I won't give you the full on sob story, just know there was alot of drama in my personal life, and alot of reality hit many of my crew for that last half of 2013. It happens especially when undertaking such an epic endeavor. We've continued to work post production for REDD and we've gotten alot done all the way til now, but we had to fight to really get to work on this thing.
Now things are back on track and we're able to concentrate alot more on finishing this. AND WE'RE SO CLOSE!!!
Right now we're still tweaking things in post and we're deep into sound editing and ADR. Still a bunch of FX shots that need to be worked on, but an end is actually in sight. I'm aiming for April to finally get this shown to our Kickstarter and IndieGoGo peeps and then the rest of the world later that Summer.
Here now are a few different updates I've posted on my Instagram over the past few months. I promise we'll be doing more frequent updates all over the place. On the blog, on Kickstarter and IndieGoGo, as well as on which we're actually working on a complete overhaul of that site to prepare for the release of the movie.
A sample of some of the color corrected footage.
Editing the Vampire Scene
One of my fav shots from REDD.
Video of some Sound FX work.
Pic of an ADR session from late December. 
Thank you so much to all of you who've kept up with us and shown your support. We greatly appreciate you and can't wait to finally finish this for you.