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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Whether The Weather

Delays. It's a symptom of the No-Budget project.  Ok, well, it's a symptom of any Movie Production no matter what the budget, but its more of an occurence in a No-Budget flick.

Main delays? Scheduling and Weather. Neither of which you can control.  Especially when the holidays come round. People have holiday plans and the cold weather loves to wreak havoc on your plans.

It happens every year round this time, and I totally expected it, and even somewhat planned for it. But it's still somewhat frustrating.

I'm halfway through editing the footage we have. The only footage left to shoot are some of the dialogue scenes and the majority of Werewolf shots.  We've already had two different days with the Werewolf and both of those days were really more like test shots, and just trying to fix the Werewolf costume.

So what's the plan?  Actually I've blogged about this before on my blog.

Check out the full plan on the post titled:

But to sum up here's the short list of the plan:

1) Finish REDD Short Film
2) Garner as many views and positive reviews and fest submissions as possible.
3) Use short to really push getting the full length feature made.
4) Raise the money
5) Shoot the feature
6) Market and Distribute feature in the Fall of 2011

But first I have to fix the damn Werewolf eyes.They're supposed to be glowing Redd and the red LED's need to be brighter.

Hopefully we'll be able to knock out the rest of the Werewolf footage this coming Monday. Wish us luck.

- Patrick

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Now and Then

Welcome. This is the first post on what is the first official site/blog for Redd. This is where anything and everything about the movie will be compiled. All Videos, Blogs, Vlogs, Behind The Scenes, and Recent News about the production will be found here.

What is REDD?

REDD is a short film that we hope to eventually turn into a feature film. It's an Action, Adventure, Horror spin on The Red Riding Hood story. It's completely DIY, Indie, No-Budget. Meaning we're doing this out of pocket, from our own blood, sweat, and day job dollars, and no, we do not have anything to do with the new big budget Hollywood production of Red Riding Hood. Our version is an action movie. The main goal is to really display what me and my crew can accomplish cinematically with little to no money.

The concept came as a spoof idea. Red Riding Hood turning the tables on the wolf, then evolved into a deeper story set before a post apocalyptic background. Here's the basic plot:

"Set in a post apocalyptic future, 15 years after a large war has ravaged the majority of the US. A village, trying to re-build, is terrorized by evil creatures and giant beasts that now inhabit the nearby forest. A mysterious young girl in a red cloak wages war on the evil in the forest to save the village, using her wit, her courage, and whole lot of guns."

It is an adventure story with strong elements of Sci-Fi and Horror. I'm currently developing this story into a feature film. The script for it is nearly finished, and hopefully with the help of the completed short, we can help illustrate what the feature will look like, and get to work on putting out a feature film in 2011.

Here are the previous posts on REDD from my other Blog. Really shows you how much work I've put into it and how long we've been working at it.
- October 20th, 2010 Redd Test Cut A
- October 13th 2010 First official day of shooting with April.
- October 7th 2010 Test shots with the Canon T2i
And then there was a dead period right up until I got the new camera.
- November 27th 2009 Thanksgiving and a Werewolf.
- November 25th 2009 Me holding a Werewolf head.
- November 23rd 2009 Look at the early construction of one of the Werewolves.
- November 6th 2009 Behind the scenes pics of the first test shots.
- October 21st 2009 First thoughts on Redd's costume.